About Us

Our Vision

At WoodsBookPublishing, our vision is to create a world where the power of knowledge and the joy of reading are accessible to everyone, regardless of their location or circumstance. We believe that books have the unique ability to inspire, educate, and entertain, and we are committed to spreading the magic of literature far and wide.

Who we are

WoodsBookPublishing is more than just an online bookstore; we are passionate advocates for the written word. Founded by a team of avid readers and publishing enthusiasts, our journey began with a simple idea: to make the world of books more accessible to all.

Our Mission

Our mission at WoodsBookPublishing is to connect people with the books they love and introduce them to new literary adventures. We strive to create a seamless and enjoyable online shopping experience for book enthusiasts of all ages and backgrounds.

Meet Our Team

We love what we do and we do it with passion. We value the experimentation,
nthe reformation of the message, and the smart incentives.

Frank Timberland

Frank Timberland

Maketing & Sale
Jack Lacetti

Jack Lacetti

CEO & Founder
Marry Van Oilaf

Marry Van Oilaf

CMO & Leader
Marry Van Oilaf

Marry Van Oilaf

CMO & Leader